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HS5 is now giving away FREE Super Megaphones which can make your voice be heard in Fantasy1, Fantasy 2 & Fantasy 3!

From 16:00 15th October to 17:00 22nd October, 2008, you will be getting FREE Super Megaphones if you top-up any time of this period. And, the greater amount you top-up, the more gifts you will get! Look at the table below to see how many Super Megaphones you will be getting:

Top-up Amount

Gifts(Item Description & Quantity)

200 cash points

Super Megaphone × 2

420 cash points

Super Megaphone × 5

1060 cash points

Super Megaphone × 12

2130 cash points

Super Megaphone × 24

4300 cash points

Super Megaphone × 48

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