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Event Title : On the Spot Drawing Contest
I. Background
Ready to do artwork under time-pressure? With only a few art materials on hand and the specific theme in mind, you must come up with a winning work of art before the time expires.

II. Eligibility & Registration
a. The contest is open to all attendees of Level Up! Live 2008. If the participant is a player of any Level Up! game,,he or she can also receive in-game items as prize(s).
b. Contestants who are 16 years old and below can join the Junior division. Participants who are 17 years old or older can join the Senior division
c. REGISTRATION: Participants can register at the contest area on the date of the event.

III. Duration
a. The contest will be held at the Level Up! Live event (October 18 and 19). From 11 am to 4 pm.

IV. General Conditions
a. The theme for the contest will be announced on the date of the event itself.
b. The basic materials (8” x 11” illustration board, pencil & 8 pieces of crayons) will be provided by Level Up! but if the contestant wishes to use additional materials, they are welcome to do so.

V. Criteria for Judging
20% - Relevance to the theme
20% - Delivery of the essay
20% - Workmanship
20% - Creativity and Distinctiveness
20% - Overall Impact
100% - Total
a. The judges will determine the winner(s) for each award category based on the criteria.
b. Winners of any of the major categories are still eligible to win one of the special awards.
c. Judges’ decision is FINAL

VI. Winner List
a. Winners will be posted on LU Website and The Level Up! Live website 5 days after the competition.
b. Winners will be announced on stage during the event.
c. In-game Prizes will be inserted on or before November 4.

VII. Prize(s)
In addition to Certificates of Participation, the winners shall also receive the following:

Senior Division:
1st prize
5,000 pesos in cash and 1 in-game item of the game of their choice.

2nd prize:
3,000 pesos in cash and 1 in-game item of the game of their choice.

3rd prize:
1,500 pesos in cash and 1 in-game item of the game of their choice.

Junior Division:
1st prize:
3,000 pesos in cash and 1 in-game item of the game of their choice.
In-game Item Prize

Senior Division
1st Prize
PW: 200 M Yuan, 20,000 Lvl 5 Soulstones of Choice and 50,000 Fame
RO: +10 Premium Headgear of Choice except IFRIT Headgears and other non-upgradeable headgears
RF: Type D (lvl 46) of choice, 100 sets of Elite Gems, 50 Keen Talics and 50 Favors
FLYFF: Clockbike

2nd Prize
PW:150 M Yuan, 15,000 Lvl 5 Soulstones of Choice and 25,000 Fame
RO:+9 Premium Headgear of Choice except IFRIT Headgears and other non-upgradeable headgears
RF: 50 sets of Elite Gems, 25 Keen Talics and 25 Favors
FLYFF: Sylia Hoverbike

3rd Prize
PW:100 M Yuan, 10,000 Lvl 5 Soulstones of Choice and 20,000 Fame
RO:+7 Premium Headgear of Choice except IFRIT Headgears and other non-upgradable headgears
RF:25b sets of Elite Gems, 15 Keen Talics and 15 favors
FLYFF: Hera Hoverbike

Junior Division
1st Prize
PW: 200 M Yuan, 20,000 Lvl 5 Soulstones of Choice and 50,000 Fame
RO: +10 Premium Headgear of Choice except IFRIT Headgears and other non-upgradeable headgears
RF: Type D (lvl 46) of choice, 100 sets of Elite Gems, 50 Keen Talics and 50 Favors and their art featured as loading screen in RF
FLYFF: Clockbike

VIII. For any inquiries or request for more information, you can contact us through several ways:
a. E-MAIL: – Please put “on-the-spot drawing contest” on the subject header of your email.
b. LANDLINE: (632) 751-9600 loc. 311. This line is available from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays.
c. ONLINE TICKET SYSTEM: You may also file a ticket at and a Customer Care Agent will respond as soon as possible.

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