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Perfect World Rise of the Tideborne Expansion
Perfect World's Latest Expansion

The wait is over – Perfect World finally launches it’s most anticipated expansion today!

Rise of the Tideborne is the biggest update in the history of Perfect World, and it promises to give players a richer, grander gaming experience. Enjoy new quests, a new race, and new character classes like the Xi Shou and the Wu Shih!

The Xi Shou is a melee fighter who relies on stealth and speed to eliminate opponents with their quick and deadly moves unmatched by any close combat class in Pan Gu. From stunning and disabling enemies to destroying them with Critical Strikes, the Xi Shou must never be ignored.

Then, there’s the Wu Shih, a psychic spell caster who specializes in manipulating the minds of creatures. You can buff your allies and weaken your enemies with this powerful new class.

Watch the expansion trailer below. Enjoy! :)

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