Some things just don't last forever.
Mobius Games announced the termination of Dekaron SEA. It will finally close its servers this coming May 8, 2010. Unfortunately for players, no account migration will occur since Gamehi, the developer of Dekaron, did not allow it. Here's a snippet of the announcement:
It is with deep regret that we inform you about the latest news regarding Dekaron SEA. Gamehi, the developer of Dekaron/2Moons, has preterminated our licensing agreement for Dekaron SEA. Despite our numerous attempts to work out a migration process of all players to Dekaron Global, Gamehi has just recently informed us that they will not allow any player migration. The developer's official closure date for Dekaron SEA is May 8, 2010.
I wonder what happened between Mobius and Gamehi. A developer doesn't really cut off its ties abruptly like that. Something like this happened between Levelup Games and NTreev for the online game, Pangya. I was just lucky that NTreev allowed account migrations and I was able to transfer my credits and equipment to the new US servers.
Dekaron is a good game, rivaling even Cabal Online on graphics and gameplay. Sad to see it go.
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