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After double extending the maintenance of Cabal Online PH, e-Games finally fixed the patch problem which enabled players to logon to their accounts. The maintenance' original schedule was yesterday September 9, from 10am to 2pm. It was then extended until 4pm. In which players who tried logging on after 4pm had multiple problems and in turn forced e-Games to re-extend the maintenance schedule further. At exactly 1:25am of September 10, 2008, CM Jay announced on the official Cabal Community Blog that all servers are up. It was a very tense 15-hour maintenance for e-Games and especially for all Cabalists players. That included me. Lol.

Anyway, here are the added features after the maintenance:

-Applied CHAOS Arena Sytem. Entry to Chaos Arena is located in Bloody Ice.

Chaos Arena Schedules:
12:00AM, 4:00AM, 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 4:00PM and 8:00PM everyday.
Exclusive to Channels 3-10 of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter Servers and Channels 4-9 of Neptune Server only.

-Added BOT Checker Image Authentication feature. The system will automatically request for IMAGE Authentication on a regular basis to eliminate Bots.
-Removed Monsters in the Trade Channels. Gamers can only use the Trade Channels for VENDING. Dungeons are deactivated in the Trade Channels.
-Level CAP Increase to Level 170
-Quick Slot registered skills can be used for the Auto-Attack function.
-Deactivated the Use of Return Stones during PVP Mode
-Activated Force Change Skill purchasing from the different Town Trainers
-Fixed Known Bugs for GPS Warp and Dungeon Entry Disconnections
-Reactivated Character Creation to all old game servers

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