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Level Up! Perfect World Online Philippines

Summons from the great General Wan Luan:

“Heroes and warriors, heed my call! It`s been merely a week since father had been slain and up until now, I am deeply troubled by his loss… I know there are those who remain loyal to my father, and to our clan, thus, I summon for all brave souls who wish to join me in my quest to regain the honor that my clan rightfully deserves. Once I have created an army, strong enough to join my cause, I assure you; we will take the heat of the battle to our enemies and win this war!”

How to join the JadeArmy:

In the coming weeks, we will be having events for Revenge of the Jade Throne (ROJT); these events will be your way in to the JadeArmy.

Here are the current ROJT events:
• Battle Arena (Live event)
• Assembly of the War Councils
• Warrior’s Brawl

Winning through the ROJT events will grant you an invite to the JadeArmy.

What do we do once we`re in the Clan?

Join us in attacking territories and in events for ROJT. This is your chance to join the Territorial War and even own a Territory if you haven’t been invited to a clan before.

What do we get from Joining the Jade Army?

You get to fight in Territorial Wars alongside the story NPCs (Gen. Wan Luan) and the Divinities (FelMaiden, SteelWing, MeiShen, StormHoof, SkyeMist, DreadFang and SamHok) inside the clan. If we`re able to defeat a Clan, then own a territory as well.

Just remember, we will not give any Yuan, Items, and Weapons, Armors or Item Mall items to keep the Story Event fair.

What if we go against the Jade Empire (Clan JadeArmy)?

If your clan wants to challenge the Empire, then feel free to do so. We will always max bid (200m Yuan) a Territory. So if you beat the JadeArmy, you`re guaranteed maximum returns after a Territorial War.

How long can I stay?

You will only be allowed to stay until the next recruitment drive comes. In short, once we started recruiting again for the JadeArmy, that’s the time for you to leave the Clan unless you qualify again and win the recruitment events.

Is there any other way for me to join the JadeArmy rather than winning the events?

None. We will always have events that will grant an invite to the JadeArmy, the Empire`s Clan. So make sure you’re updated with the latest events for Perfect World.

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