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HighStreet 5 Online Philippines

Are you a Pinoy gamer who would like to meet your fellow gamers? Then why don’t you join us for EagleGame’s i-Cafe Party & EB!

In cooperation with EagleGame Philippines, the HighStreet 5 team will be going on an expedition all over the country to bring gamers from all lifestyles together through its gamer meets and EBs. Kicking things off, we will be starting with Baguio this August 30, 3pm at Outer Haven Cafe and we already have a lot of cool stuff for everyone! Why don’t you check these out?

HighStreet 5 Dance-Off

You think you got the right highstreet moves to be called the emperor of the dance floor? Prove it during our HighStreet 5 Dance-Off!

-Any group with 3 members can participate in the mini tournament (the tournament will be restricted to first 8 groups to register).
-There will be no level restrictions, but players will have to make a new account for the tournament.
-A Special Room (with password) will be made for the tournament.
-The last group standing will win these prizes: A HighStreet5 Party Pack containing HS5 merchandise & 5 in-game feathers for each group member.
Non-winning participants will get an in-game goodie bag containing mischievous flying bricks, mischievous lightning bolts, megaphone and super megaphone for each group member.

Show off your HighStreet 5 Threads! (Character Look-Alike Contest)

Dress up as your HighStreet 5 avatar and win fabulous prizes!

-Anyone can participate and go to the event dressed up as their HighStreet5 avatar. The three participants who most closely resemble their avatar will win a prize from EagleGame.

3 HighStreet5 Party Packs containing HS5 merchandise and in-game 30-day suits (one for each winner) for the winners.

HighStreet 5
Recruitment Drive (Guild Recruitment Contest)

-Any HighStreet 5 guild/clan and its members can participate
-A guild or clan with the most number of members by the end of the day will win a prize for their group. The guild or clan can actively recruit members during the event (from Free Players or new players or players who don’t have a guild yet)
-All members should be present during the tallying at the end of the event
-All members should have an active HS5 Account.

AN HS5 Party Pack containing HS5 merchandise for each member

The winning guild will be featured in the community website and forum

HighStreet 5 Raffle

Feeling lucky? Purchase a HighStreet 5 Point Card at Outer Haven during the event and get the chance to win a free 3-month subscription to Playground Magazine!

Any person who purchases any HighStreet 5 Point Card at the venue during the time of the event is eligible to win. Depending on the denomination of the Point Card, the person will receive the following raffle stubs:

P50 card = 1 raffle stub
P100 card = 2 raffle stubs
P250 card = 5 raffle stubs
The raffle will be conducted and a winner will be announced once every 30 minutes.

12 3-month Playground subscriptions (1 for each winner)

Free Play

Any non-HighStreet 5 player can participate in the Free Play and try out HighStreet 5. Each Free Player will get a HighStreet5 Poster.

That’s not all! Each of the first 100 attendees will also get 1 HighStreet5 CD installer and a meal coupon that will entitle them to 1 meal! And the best part of all of this? It’s absolutely FREE! All you have to do is show up, meet your friends, make more friends & have a good time! So tell everyone you know about it and see you on August 30!

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