How To Play Clan Battles: (minimum of 3v3 to play Clan Battle)
1. Go to the Clan Warfare server or any other server with 2 or more of your clan mates.
2. Create a room and select the CLAN BATTLE game mode.
3. Invite 3 or more members of another clan and challenge them to a Clan Battle. All opponents
should be in the same clan but not your clan.
4. Make sure that both sides (your clan and opponent’s clan) have the same number of members.
5. Click START to begin the Clan Battle.
a. Only 2 clans can play a single clan battle. Both clans have to be on the opposing sides to start
the game.
b. The game will not start if other players who are not members of the 2 clans are in the room.
c. The game will not start if a member of a clan is in the side of the opponent.
d. Only Clan Battles are available in the Clan Warfare server. Users cannot play any form of
Single or Team Battle modes in that server.
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