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1. Eligibility & Registration
a. Anyone can participate in the LIVE cosplay. If the participant is a player of any Level Up! games, he or she can also receive in-game items as prize(s).
b. REGISTRATION: Cosplayers will need to register on the cosplay registration area on the event day itself. You may also download the application form (solo or group) or fill one up at the registration area.

ALL participants are required to bring pictures of the character that they will cosplay.
ALL participants are required to bring at least 1 valid ID and a photocopy of that ID.
ALL participants age 17 and below are required to submit a waiver signed by their parent/guardian. Participants may download a copy of the waiver here.
Group Cosplay participants are REQUIRED to present their script for approval. It is highly recommended that participants email ( ) their script at least a week before the event to avoid making revisions or getting their script rejected on the event day itself.
c. There will only be a limit of 100 participants for the cosplay competition. This goes for both solo and group cosplay.

2. Duration
a. Registration shall be on October 19, 2008 (SUNDAY) on the event venue itself from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Note that there are several categories (see below).

3. General Conditions
1. The characters which you will be cosplaying should be characters from the following: Ragnarok Online, Flyff, Rising Force Online, Freestyle, or Perfect World. Characters from other online games are strictly not allowed.
2. There will be TWO (2) Categories for Cosplay: SOLO and GROUP (see separate guidelines below)
3. No corrosive or easily flammable substances are allowed. Although you may still use fake blood or confetti, please make sure that the clutter will be at a minimum. This is also for the safety of other cosplayers who will go onstage.
4. Microphones will be provided for the cosplayers.
5. If you plan to carry a weapon, you must conform to the following guidelines on props:
o Real weapons are strictly NOT allowed. If your character needs to have a weapon, you can make it out of cardboard or wood (this also gives you points for craftsmanship!). Please inform us beforehand which props you will be bringing for the cosplay.
o All props should be kept/carried with the utmost caution. Level Up! will bear no responsibility towards any injury as a result of a cosplayer’s carelessness.
6. Level Up! reserves the right to bar the usage of any props that may seem potentially dangerous and/or harmful.
7. No profanity or rude gestures will be tolerated onstage. This convention is for everyone, so let’s keep it clean. You don’t need to be rude to be funny. Anyone who will disregard this rule will automatically be disqualified and barred from entering any Level Up! cosplay event in the future.
8. Level Up! reserves the right to withdraw the rights of participation and/or props should one be found to break any of the aforementioned rules/regulations. Ignorance is no excuse.
9. The judges’ decision is final, no appeals will be entertained.
10. Level Up! may photograph or film contestant entries at its discretion. Entry into this contest constitutes an agreement by the entrants to allow Level Up! to use their likeness/image, etc in any current/future advertisement, promotion, or product.
11. Employees of Level Up! and their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity are prohibited from joining the competition.

1. A Solo Cosplay participant cannot be allowed to join the group cosplay category.
2. The judges will decide the final winners. A solo cosplayer could win in only one of the four major categories.
3. All participants of the solo cosplay are eligible to win one of the special prizes, including the winners of the four major categories.
4. The criteria for judging will be:
o Accuracy - How close the cosplayer’s costume resembles those of the character he/she is cosplaying (30%)
o Craftsmanship - The amount of creativity given by the cosplayer in the construction of their accessories or props (30%)
o Presentation - How well the cosplayer presented his/her character to the audience on stage (30%)
o Audience Impact (10%).

1. A group cosplay participant cannot be allowed to join another group even as a minor role actor. They will also not be allowed to join the solo cosplay category.
2. A group must consist of at least 3 members and no more than 7 members. All members who will perform on-stage must wear costumes from the following: Ragnarok Online, Flyff, Rising Force Online, Freestyle, or Perfect World. Characters from other online games are strictly not allowed.
3. All cosplay groups will be required to do a ‘skit’ on-stage. A skit must last at least 30 seconds to no more than 5 minutes in length. Your group can make a short play, sing, dance, or do a choreographed fight-scene on-stage. When you register your group, please submit the script you will be using so the organizers will be well-informed on what your group will be doing on-stage and advise you if it would be possible to perform them.
4. Microphones will be provided to the group if it is needed, but there will be no background music for your group’s skit by default. You can provide your own background music (In CD audio format. Other formats such as MP3 or MIDI will not be accepted). Kindly give your audio CD to the organizers at least 3 hours before the program starts. Level Up! holds no responsibility towards any inconvenience caused as a result of faulty recording or music medium.
5. The criteria for judging will be:
- Accuracy- How close the group’s costumes resembles those of the characters they are cosplaying (25%)
- Craftsmanship – The amount of creativity given by the group in the construction of their accessories or props (25%)
- Presentation – How well the group presented their skit to the audience on stage (40%),
- Audience Impact (10%).
6. The winning group will be awarded the LU Live 2008 Best Group Cosplay.

Major Categories:
Best group cosplay - Group
Best male cosplayer - Solo
Best female cosplayer - Solo
Best Non-Playable Character costume - Solo
Best junior cosplayer (for participants aged 12yo. and below) - Solo
Best in craftsmanship - Solo
Crowd Favorite - Solo

4. Winning Conditions
a. The judges will determine the winner(s) for each award category based on the criteria
b. Judges’ decision is FINAL.
c. Winners will be announced on stage in the event.

5. Winner List
a. Winners will be posted on LU Website and The Level Up! Live website 5 days after the competition.

6. Prize(s)

a. Best Group – 20,000 php Cash
b. Best Male – 5,000 php Cash
c. Best Female – 5,000 php Cash
d. Best NPC - 5,000 php Cash
e. Best Junior - 5,000 php Cash
f. Best Craftsmanship - 5,000 php Cash
g. Crowd Favorite - 5,000 php Cash

7. Prize Claiming
a. Winners will be notified during the event by the coordinators as to when they will get their prizes.

8. Contact/Help
For any inquiries or to request for more info, you can contact us through several ways:
a. E-MAIL: – Please indicate the game on the subject header of your e-mail
b. LANDLINE: (632) 751-9600.
This line is available from 12:00 nn to 7:00pm Mondays to Fridays. Look for GM Lilith

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