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Dota 6.67b AI
Download link after the break.

Download DotA 6.67b AI Map Here!

6.67b (v0.2141)
- Heroes and items were updated from BuffMePlz's 6.66b AI.

The following game modes have been disabled for now:
-vr, -rv, -rd, -cd, -cm, -lm, -xl

The following game commands have been disabled for now:
-afk, -kickafk, -ah, -switch, -fun

Things that are bugs:
-Crashes with reproducible reasons
-Abilities/items not working as expected (for players or bots)

Things that are not bugs:
-Bots not using certain abilities
-Bots being too strong/weak/cheating. They do that.

Other known bugs:
1.Scroll of Town Portal's mechanism didn't change to 6.67b.
2.Spirit Breaker's Charge of Darkness would cause target become invincible.

* Please use -repick or -airepick to make human/AI player choose another hero.


1 Response for the "New DotA 6.67b AI Map Available for Download"

  1. Harekke has just released his very first map. But instead of Dota 6.67c AI, he made Dota 6.67b AI map. But regardless, it’s very nice to have a new Dota AI map. However, don’t give too much expectation because this is his first work and bugs is expected. Below is the complete changelogs of DotA-Allstars 6.67b AI ver.06/07/2010 Map: Changelogs: ============== Dota 6.67b AI ver.06/07/2010 ============== – The first Dota 6.67b AI map – Bugis expected – AI player cannot use new items. And because Magnus, Nerubian Weaver, Bone Fletcher and Spirit Breaker …

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