Start preparing for your journey to The Underground today! V2.9 "Secrets of The Underground" expansion which is scheduled to launch next Thursday, 23 October 2008, is available for download at the following mirror sites.
V2.9 Secrets of The Underground manual patch is an estimated 251MB.
Please do not activate the manual patch to your current V2.6 client until next Thursday, 23 October 2008 as it may have conflict with the current version, resulting in users being unable to log into the current V2.6 version.
You can execute the manual patch by double clicking on it after it has been downloaded.
V2.9 Secrets of The Underground manual patch is an estimated 251MB.
Please do not activate the manual patch to your current V2.6 client until next Thursday, 23 October 2008 as it may have conflict with the current version, resulting in users being unable to log into the current V2.6 version.
You can execute the manual patch by double clicking on it after it has been downloaded.
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