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No one knew his name, or from whence he came. He was just first seen wandering around the Perfect Land, striking up conversations with random Path-seekers with his broken command of the local language. Some say he was mad; others called him the Foreigner, after seeing his strange appearance, outlandish clothes and hearing him mutter in his strange language. They assumed that he was somehow related to the man living in the lone junk anchored near Dragon Bay, who had always kept a copy of the Tales of Foreign Lands.

Yet his wanderings took its toll on the Foreigner—carrying a huge sack of other wordly goods and trekking the Land is no joke—and he still has a long way to go. His food and drink nearly running out, he has no friend to turn to in this strange yet fantastic land. With quite some way to go, would you, Path-seeker, help him?

Eligibility: All players can join this event

Event Schedule: August 26-28, 2008, September 2- 4, 2008 and September 9-11, 2008 from 5-8 PM

August 26 (Tuesday) – Serpent Server
August 27 (Wednesday) – Tiger Server
August 28 (Thursday) – Dragon Server

September 2 (Tuesday) – Tiger Server
September 3 (Wednesday) – Dragon Server
September 4 (Thursday) – Serpent Server

September 9(Tuesday) – Dragon Server
September 10 (Wednesday) – Serpent Server
September 11(Thursday) – Tiger Server


1. Create any of the Nescafe 3in1 potions

2. Then find the Foreigner somewhere in Perfect World.
3. Wait for the map clues
4. As soon as the Foreigner is found, trade in your Nescafe 3in1 potions with the GM VENDOR for its Yuan equivalent.
5. The Vendor will vend and buy the NESCAFE 3in1 items.
6. Participants will be awarded with Yuan based on the Nescafe 3in1 items turned in to the Vendor.

Event Rules:
• There are no limits on the amount of “qualified” items you can trade.
• Players that disrupt the awarding in anyway will be dealt with harshly. A minimum of 1 week ban.
• All violators of the Mandate of Heaven will be penalized accordingly.
• Items traded will not be returned.

Nescafe 3in1 Trade Rates:

Event Prize:
• 30,000 YUAN

So what are you waiting for, show your kindness to the Lost Foreigner now! ^_~

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