1. Players who want to join must wear the costume that GM Amethy will announce in-game.
2. Participants must enter the channel and room that GM Amethy will announce.
3. All participants must have fun during the whole event; however, they must also take note of GM Amethy's score.
4. The player with score closest to GM Amethy's will win a special in-game prize.
Hey ! Would you add my blog and I add yours ? I'm using blog roll too , but I don't know how to add you . Can you help me ?
1. Login to your blogger account.
2. Go to your website's "Layout" Page.
3. Click "Add Gadget".
4. Click the gadget named "Blog List".
5. Type this to add me >> http://pinoygamingworld.blogspot.com
Done . Thank you and if you have any friends that want to exchange links, let me know .
sure! i linked u already. thanks!
Hey ur stuff is good!
would u like to exchange blog links..
I already have Raduu's Link would u
like to join in.
If u have any doubt just let me know!
sure k9 ^^
add me up on ur blog and i'll add urs to mine