One morning BoboChan was cleaning Boboku's Warehouse and saw all the Elemental Heart Stones his brother has collected. He then realized this is not acceptable, I must come up with a way to have a better Elemental Heart Stone collection, but he sat and thought how can i do this....
I've got it, Bobochan said to himself, Ill trade my Red Meteo Bikes for Elemental Heart Stones with awakened powers, that would definitely be more awesome than my brother's collection.
Event Mechanics:
• Players will be required to upgrade a Heart Stone to +10 element of any choice and awake the weapon until he/she has has 3 positive awake stats.
example of correct awake
example of a wrong awake
• Those who trade in their Heart Stone with +10 element with 3 positive awake stats on August 18 from 7pm to 9 pm to Bobochan in Darkon town will receive a red meteobike.
*See below for Images
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