Pangya generally revolves around the golf game itself but there are a lot more than just the sport: Clothes, Clubsets, Caddies, Accesories and Characters. If you're going to play golf, why not do it in style. May it be swimsuits, formal dress, gowns, casual wear or even military outfit, there are a lot to choose from along with improvement in the stats of your character to make the game easier for you.
Here's a database for the items that are available in the game although some of them are seasonal, meaning they are available only on certain times of the year.
Here's a database for the items that are available in the game although some of them are seasonal, meaning they are available only on certain times of the year.
I'm so amaze when i saw post but all you need to do is to post more and more so the reader will be inrerested.
we will update the site regularly so visit us regularly for more posts ^^ thank you