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Gaming Evolution

Posted by erwinz2 On 9:30 AM 0 comments

If you’re above 20 years old, most probably you’ve seen the evolution of the gaming world. From the must have game and watch, Atari, Family Computer of earlier times to the PS3, Wii and computer games that we enjoy today. I envy the children of today because they start their journey in the gaming world in an advanced environment today compared to a couple of years back. But seeing the transition of the consoles and games themselves make me appreciate the current technology even more.

So what IS the difference between today and yesterdays gaming adventure? First thing we notice is the difference in graphics and presentation. No doubt that old games still have its own charm because of game play but the difference in the graphics department is definitely significant. Most recent games like Crysis for the PC offer an environment that makes you wonder if you’re still playing in a virtual environment or the real one already. The level of detail in the whole of the game makes it look real and sometimes it looks even better. Seeing this fast paced advancement in technology, it’s not a dream to be playing in an actual virtual world that we will personally participate in. Most early games offer only up to two players because of the limit in the consoles and games that were developed then. Today we can enjoy playing with many people in the form of LAN and Online gaming. Online gaming gives people the liberty to socialize with other people from different parts of the globe while playing their favorite game.

The gaming world continues to evolve because of the growing number of gamers. So lets keep on playing.


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