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An announcement from CM Jay's Blog:

Good Day to all CABALists, we will be moving the OPENING of the LEVEL CAP and SKILL CAP for CABAL Online to July 1st. The new CAP will be Level 120 and Skill Rank Completer. This is to give way for more gamers to achieve [Level 100] and to halt the rampant use of BOT Programs. We are expecting a fix from our game developers soon, so it would be best to wait for the fix until Level cap is set to Level 120. The GMs will be very vigilant in banning all gamers found guilty of using 3rd Party Programs We encourage all gamers to please report all abusive gamers in our forums site- Quarantine Sections.

For the meantime, please do check out the new CABAL PETS and Premium Items to customize the faces, hair colours of your Characters.

Thanks for the continued support and have a great day ahead!!! ^_^

And here I thought my character would be limited to lvl100 for quite some time. Lol. =P


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